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Paul Blay


Paul Blay

After graduating with a Bachelor of Landscape Architecture (BLA) at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology in 1994, Paul began his professional career at one of the worlds largest and most renowned landscape architectural firms, EDAW. While developing his design and industry skills on some of the most significant landscape and urban design projects in Australia, such as the Melbourne CityLink Project and the Melbourne Docklands re-development, Paul was responsible for initiating the company’s computer generated Design Visualisation (DV) capabilities.

Paul relocated from Melbourne to the NSW north coast and in 2003, started his own practice Visualise (, providing landscape architectural and DV services to the Byron Shire and beyond and in 2004, Paul began collaborating with Hochhauser Associates on a regular basis on some significant projects. During this time he also worked with Roundabout Theatre helping to design and develop outdoor theatrical pieces, surreal ephemeral landscapes and art installations.

Paul’s passion for environmental restoration grew further in 2008 when he was engaged as landscape architectural consultant with local environmental scientists and wetland ecology experts, Australian Wetlands Consulting (AWC). The collaborative approach and interdisciplinary experience helped produce ecologically relevant solutions while advancing the restoration and protection of environmentally sensitive landscapes within the urban fabric and where they connect with nature.

Paul is interested in blurring the line between the built form and landscape so that the garden, large or small can be integrated with the home and experienced as an outdoor ‘room’ by combining traditional design methods with digital 3D modelling to help conceptualise and enhance the design.

“By integrating our unique, varied and professional skillsets in landscape architectural design, we create beautiful, experiential and transformative outdoor spaces for people that connect seamlessly with the home or built environment,”  Paul Blay



+61 (0)431 479 788 

+61 (0)418 688 088


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